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The Book of Hirsh
Steven Hirsh is a successful celebrity lawyer from New York, a lover of sports, scotch, and women. When his estranged, newly-religious son phones from Israel, announcing that he is getting engaged, Hirsh flies to the Holy Land, hoping to form a more loving relationship with the boy. When the youth and his friends are arrested on suspicion of firebombing an Arab home, Hirsh finds himself unexpectedly imprisoned with them.
“Once again, Tzvi Fishman has penned an out-of-the-box novel, filled with poignant insight, humor, and creative surprises. What happens when a successful celebrity lawyer from New York, the typical Philip Roth EVERYMAN, the classic American liberal Jew at the crossroads of his life, comes to Israel to make peace with his idealist Torah-observant son, now a settler on the explosive “West Bank”? In this wonderfully comic and poignant life encounter, set in the background of the always volatile Holy Land, the reader will be swept into a world of self-discovery, much like a modern-day Alice in Wonderland. For certain, whether you are Jewish or not, both you and the Middle East conflict will never be the same.” Baruch Gordon, Israel National News

Like Father, Like Son
The Lives and Teachings of HaRav Avraham Yitzhak HaKohen Kook and his son, HaRav Tzvi Yehuda
During the past 150 years, the world has witnessed the miraculous ingathering of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel in clear fulfilment of biblical prophecy. The two Torah luminaries who taught Am Yisrael to recognize this colossal undertaking as the beginnings of Israel’s long-awaited Redemption were HaRav Avraham Yitzhak HaKohen Kook and his only son HaRav Tzvi Yehuda. Father and son were the towering beacons of light who taught their generations to see the Divine Hand behind the Zionist enterprise. They called upon the entire Nation to embrace the miraculous events of the time with joy and great gratitude to the Almighty. Both of these Torah Giants revived Torah study to its original meaning – “Torat Eretz Yisrael” – which returned the all-encompassing national foundation of the Torah to the forefront of Jewish life, something which had been lost during the Exile when the Jewish People were scattered minorities in foreign Gentile lands, lacking sovereignty of their own. While Rabbi Kook, the father, is more universally famous than his son, it was HaRav Tzvi Yehuda who explained and implemented his father’s teachings to the reborn Israelite Nation upon the establishment of the State of Israel. As head of the Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem, he taught his students that the building of Medinat Yisrael, service in the Israel Defense Forces, and the holy settlement of the Promised Land in all of its borders were the natural extensions of yeshiva learning. The book, “Like Father Like Son,” shows how the incomparable teachings and visions of Rabbi Kook found expression in the words and deeds of his son, and subsequently in the life of his students – the leaders of the Religious Zionism in our time.

The Illustrated Life and Teachings of HaRav Avraham Yitzhak HaKohen Kook
Perhaps the most influential Rabbi of modern times, Rabbi Kook taught the world to see the Divine Providence guiding the Zionist Movement and the return of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel. A master of all disciplines of Torah, the revealed and the esoteric, as well as an extraordinary Jewish philosopher and gifted poet, he was known for his towering love for all people, a love which often brought him into painful conflict with fellow Jews who lacked his all-encompassing vision. In addition to the dramatic presentation of Rabbi Kook’s life, told in a fluent style which will enrich readers of all ages, the book is filled with Rabbi Kook incomparable writings on Torah, T’shuva, Eretz Yisrael, and Israel’s Redemption in our time. Predicting the difficulties and setbacks which would arise along the road to Redemption, Rabbi Kook believed with total faith that a great holy light would shine forth from Zion in a gradually unfolding fashion, just as dawn emerges out from the darkness of night. The many wonderful illustrations which accompany the lively biography capture Rabbi Kook’s revolutionary insights in a glance without having to rely on long and difficult commentaries. "Above the Stream" is a welcome addition to every Jewish home and library.
If you are looking for books with inspiring Jewish content to help you enjoy the Corona quarantine, you've found the right place!


The sequels of "Tevye in the Promised Land"
Now Available!

Winner of the Israel Minister of Education Award for Creativity and Jewish Culture
“The Tevye in the Promised Land Series is a wonderful achievement. For adults and young people alike, these historical novels about the rebirth of the Jewish People in the Land of Israel are powerful tools, inviting people to enjoy once again the almost lost art of reading. The incredible drama of Modern Zionism comes alive in the pages of this fun-reading saga, featuring the towering personalities which dominated the era, Rabbi Kook, Yosef Trumpeldor, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Yair Stern, Ben Gurion, and many more, in colorful portraits which capture their heroic personalities and great ideals. “Tevye in the Promised Land,” “Arise and Shine!” and “The Lion’s Roar” belong in every Jewish family library. If the next two volumes of the series possess the same passion and charm, then Mr. Fishman has created a literary treasure for the Jewish People.”
Yisrael Medad, Menachem Begin Heritage Center
Books by Tzvi Fishman